We shape this change process together.

My many years of experience in Corporate Finance & Controlling as well as Corporate Responsibility and my proximity to the operational business enable me to offer holistic solutions and to communicate with all affected business units at eye level.

  • susteMGible Business Model

    From value chain to value cycle – a flourishing food system. Read more…
  • Integrated Strategy

    From financial value to a holistic value creation – step by step. Read more…
  • Integrated Implementation

    From less negative to positive impact
    From compliance to positive impact.
    Read more…
  • Integrated Reporting

    From one-sided risk consideration to a double-direction opportunity and risk view
    From shareholder consideration to listening to all stakeholders. Read more…

We shape this change process together.

My many years of experience in Corporate Finance & Controlling as well as Corporate Responsibility and my proximity to the operational business enable me to offer holistic solutions and to communicate with all affected business units at eye level.

  • susteMGible Business Model

    From value chain to value cycle – a flourishing food system. Read more…
  • Integrated Strategy

    From financial value to a holistic value creation – step by step. Read more…
  • Integrated Implementation

    From less negative to positive impact
    From compliance to positive impact.
    Read more…
  • Integrated Reporting

    From one-sided risk consideration to a double-direction opportunity and risk view
    From shareholder consideration to listening to all stakeholders. Read more…


Use my experience. Learn more.